Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baptism, size 1, sadness and partytime

Claire was baptized on Saturday evening.  Other than a little wiggling, she did a great job. It was truly a fantastic time with family.  Both sets of grandparents, Joe's brother and sister-in-law Hayley (godparent), Luke, as well as Matt (godparent) and his family were there.  We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and had a great time celebrating at the church and then afterward at The Star in Dubuque.  

She also turned one month old this past week.  I can't believe it has already been a month.  It is unbelievable and she is growing entirely too fast.  With that said, we used our last newborn diaper and have moved on to size 1's.  I am not sure how this happened, but we want her to stop growing so fast.  

We have received some sad news in the last couple weeks.  A good friend that I worked with and just retired last year has been diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer and the prognosis is not good.  Her family and friends are praying for a miracle.  She is a strong woman and she is loved by all that know her. 

I also received the news that a long time friend of the family has passed away at age 98.  Lyda was an amazing woman that I have had the pleasure of knowing for around 25 of my 29 years.  She was like a grandparent to me as well as her husband who passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. Life has not bee the same since he died and she missed him terribly.  I have been assured that her last days were peaceful and comfortable. She will be laid to rest on Thursday and join the love of her life for eternity. She will be missed. 

Sophia will be having her 3rd birthday party on Saturday.  Again great times with great family and friends will be had.  Sophia is excited for her Tinkerbell party even though it is over a month late! 

To close...

I know it has been awhile since I have added any pictures or posted for that matter.  I will get around to it one of these days when I get some more new pictures on here of the baptism and such.  I hope I get better at posting on here, but it seems like the days just fly by and I can't seem to get my footing.  

Until next time...