Monday, September 5, 2011

Size, smiling, sleeping, singing, sitter and salsa...

This is the blog of 6 s'es.  Claire has now graduated to 3-6 month clothing.  She is getting so big so fast.  I miss the baby already.  She is smiling and talking a lot.  She has been sleeping through the night.  But there is a trick to that.  She is able to roll from her back to her belly now.  So every night she rolls over during the night sometime and stays asleep all night.  Claire also loves her fingers. She is definitely more of an eater than Sophia ever was.  With her talking, we have also realized that she can sing! She loves singing Twinkle, Twinkle with Momma.  

Sophia is really starting to love playing with her! She is really a great big sister.  I think we have future best friends on our hands for sure.  She always wants to help with Claire and she love talking to her when she is fussy.  It makes Claire smile.  Sophia is also very excited to be back at Julie's, her baby sitter. 

Today we made some fresh salsa and canned it.  It is too hot to try yet, but it looks delicious! Can't wait until supper. We are having enchiladas and salsa and tortilla chips! Should be yummy! I hope everyone is having a great weekend and a great Labor Day! Until next time...