Monday, June 20, 2011

2 week appointment

Claire had her two week appointment this morning (yeah...I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already.)  She is a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces and everything checked out great.  I am enjoying my time home with her and Sophia this summer.  Our schedule looks something like this: 
Change diaper 
Sleep Eat 
Change diaper
Stay awake for a few minutes 
Sleep Eat 
Change Diaper

You get the point :) She is awake several hours a day not including feedings, but the majority of her day is eating and sleeping! Sophia is getting used to the idea of having a little one around.  She is still figuring out how to handle Claire without hurting her.  Sophia enjoys jumping up and down next to her head and pushing a little too hard on her. :) Needless to say...Momma and Daddy are watching her like a hawk!

We just got her pictures from the hospital in the mail.  Please enjoy them! :) 

Until next time...

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