I am thankful for...
13. The people that read this blog.
12. My wonderful friends, old and new.
11. My home.
10. My job.
9. My students that both challenge me and make me laugh everyday.
8. My fantastic in-laws that have accepted me as one of their own children/siblings.
7. My wonderful mom who is always there for me, even when I am not being the best daughter in the world.
6. My dad (more to come.)
5. My amazing brothers, who would drop everything to come to the rescue of their little sister. I am truly lucky to have them.
4. My beautiful daughter, Sophia, who has taught me what unconditional love is. My life without her would be incomplete.
3. My beautiful daughter, Claire, who has completed our family (for the time being at least) and amazes me every single day.
2. My fantastic and amazingly handsome husband. Over 9 years ago we began working together and became friends. Over 8 years ago we started dating. Now being married over 6 years, everyday I realize how lucky I am and don't know what I would do without him.
1. Most of all, I am thankful for my dad's health. I was lucky and privileged to spend Thanksgiving day with him (and the rest of my family). Although the events of this summer were extremely stressful and treacherous for everyone involved (mostly Dad), I learned many very important things. The most important thing I learned from it was not to take your loved ones for granted. You never know when something very unfortunate could happen where they could be taken from you. I am thankful to be able to pick up the phone and be able to talk to him whenever I want. My baby girls get to grow up knowing their grandpa and that makes me smile.
I am extremely lucky and thankful to have all these people and things in my life. Without them, I would not be the person I am today. Thank you for reading...
This is so beautiful, Ali.