Sunday, November 27, 2011

So many new things...

Well, it has been a very long time since I have updated you on my family! 

First of all, Joe and I are have started our weight loss journey.  As of now, Joe has lost over 40 pounds and I have lost 25 pounds since we started this journey in July.  It is slow going, but we are seeing our progress and are very excited to continue this journey.  

Sophia is turning into a beautiful, smart little girl.  She is still going to her sitter Julie's everyday we have school.  She loves it there and misses it when she does not go.  Her friends are great there.  She is also learning her alphabet and numbers and has become very interested in doing puzzles and using technology.  She definitely follows in her daddy's footsteps.  She is looking forward to Christmas and can't wait until we get the Christmas trees up next weekend.  I love her curiosity and her love for her sister!
Claire has changed the most.  She is sitting up unassisted (when she wants to that is.)  A couple weeks ago we started giving her rice cereal once a day.  She really likes it.  We tried some sweet potatoes and that didn't go over as well with her tummy so we are holding off for a week or two to try fruits and veggies again.  She has been rolling for quite a few months so she has been able to get around very well.  As if that wasn't enough, she has now began to do a modified crawl that looks more like she is a worm.  She has the idea, she just doesn't know what to do with her hands/arms.  She will be 6 months on Friday and according to all the emails I get about her development, she "shouldn't" be crawling until 7-10 months! It is way too early! Claire is getting so big.  I am excited to see how she has grown on Friday at her doctor's appointment. I am not excited about the shots, but so far she has done very well with them.  

The two of them together are amazing.  They can get each other laughing so hard and I have no idea why they are laughing.  Sophia is such a big helper and wants to play with her a lot.  She is also becoming very responsible for her big girl toys and making sure they are getting picked up so Claire doesn't get into them.  

I imagine there will be another update very soon with Claire's specs. from her doctor's appointment on Friday. Until next time...

13 things I am thankful for

I am thankful for...

13. The people that read this blog. 
12. My wonderful friends, old and new. 
11. My home. 
10. My job.
9. My students that both challenge me and make me laugh everyday.
8. My fantastic in-laws that have accepted me as one of their own children/siblings.
7. My wonderful mom who is always there for me, even when I am not being the best daughter in the world.  
6. My dad (more to come.)
5. My amazing brothers, who would drop everything to come to the rescue of their little sister. I am truly lucky to have them.
4. My beautiful daughter, Sophia, who has taught me what unconditional love is. My life without her would be incomplete.
3. My beautiful daughter, Claire, who has completed our family (for the time being at least) and amazes me every single day.  
2. My fantastic and amazingly handsome husband.  Over 9 years ago we began working together and became friends.  Over 8 years ago we started dating.  Now being married over 6 years, everyday I realize how lucky I am and don't know what I would do without him. 
1. Most of all, I am thankful for my dad's health.  I was lucky and privileged to spend Thanksgiving day with him (and the rest of my family).  Although the events of this summer were extremely stressful and treacherous for everyone involved (mostly Dad), I learned many very important things.  The most important thing I learned from it was not to take your loved ones for granted.  You never know when something very unfortunate could happen where they could be taken from you. I am thankful to be able to pick up the phone and be able to talk to him whenever I want.  My baby girls get to grow up knowing their grandpa and that makes me smile.  

I am extremely lucky and thankful to have all these people and things in my life. Without them, I would not be the person I am today. Thank you for reading...

Monday, September 5, 2011

Size, smiling, sleeping, singing, sitter and salsa...

This is the blog of 6 s'es.  Claire has now graduated to 3-6 month clothing.  She is getting so big so fast.  I miss the baby already.  She is smiling and talking a lot.  She has been sleeping through the night.  But there is a trick to that.  She is able to roll from her back to her belly now.  So every night she rolls over during the night sometime and stays asleep all night.  Claire also loves her fingers. She is definitely more of an eater than Sophia ever was.  With her talking, we have also realized that she can sing! She loves singing Twinkle, Twinkle with Momma.  

Sophia is really starting to love playing with her! She is really a great big sister.  I think we have future best friends on our hands for sure.  She always wants to help with Claire and she love talking to her when she is fussy.  It makes Claire smile.  Sophia is also very excited to be back at Julie's, her baby sitter. 

Today we made some fresh salsa and canned it.  It is too hot to try yet, but it looks delicious! Can't wait until supper. We are having enchiladas and salsa and tortilla chips! Should be yummy! I hope everyone is having a great weekend and a great Labor Day! Until next time...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

And there she rolls...

Claire is officially rolling from front to back! Although the video is a bit painful to watch, I hope you enjoy it!! :) 

I am also attaching a few pictures that we took recently! 

School starts tomorrow so Sophia will be going back to daycare and Claire will start daycare full time starting tomorrow. I will miss them immensely.  We are heading outside to enjoy the fantastic weather.  Until next time...

Monday, August 8, 2011

The vacation of a lifetime...

So you are probably thinking we went to Hawaii, Europe or Australia but the fact is, we went to Des Moines! Yes, Des Moines was the vacation of a lifetime for Sophia.  She has been wanting to go to Disney World since those silly commercials came on where they show home videos of parents surprising their kids with a Disney World commercial.  She could be out of the room and if she hears those commercials she comes running yelling "Disney World, Disney World. I want to go to Disney World." So naturally seeing the Adventureland commercials, she was slightly interested.  When we told her we were going to Adventureland, she was as excited as she was seeing those Disney World commercials. 

Last Thursday, Joe worked until 3:00 and then we heading out to the big ol' city of Des Moines.  Thursday night we were set to have dinner with friends at Jethro's (a Man vs. Food restaurant) and then go swimming at the hotel.  Sophia couldn't contain herself! She was so excited.  We got back to the hotel around 9 pm and she got to swim with Joe for about 30 minutes.  We went back up to the hotel room and got ready for the next day full of fun!

Sophia getting ready to jump in the pool.

Claire at the pool.
Sophia jumping in.

Friday came fast with not enough sleep in a hotel bed. Sophia was excited to get moving.  We had breakfast and put our sunscreen on only to realize that it was going to be cloudy all day with a chance of rain.  The whole week we planned on no rain!! WHAT happened!? We went ahead and checked out and drove the 3 minutes to get there.

We parked and walked right in! Right in the gates was the carousel.  I am not going to lie when I say that I was a little choked up by Sophia's joy just walking through the gates much less going on the carousel the first time. 

Sophia on the carousel.
After the carousel, she went on the airplane ride.  From that, one of two things could happen: Sophia would hate the ride and be scared and we wouldn't have anything to do the rest of the day OR she would love it and want to ride every ride under the sun.  Luckily it was the second of those.  She loved it and wanted to ride ALL the rides.  We had to tell her no on a few of them.  

  Sophia's favorite ride although it may not look like it!!

She figured out that she could make it go up and down.

Riding in the semi with Daddy.
She even tried some of the more adult rides.

It started sprinkling around so we rested while watching a show about rain forest animals. She enjoyed seeing all the animals up close.  Luckily the rain stayed away except for a few sprinkles.  We did some shopping and saw some Adventureland characters before we left.

We headed out of the park around 5:00 and started making the trek to a friend's house to stay for the rest of the weekend. 

Saturday we went to the Blank Park Zoo.  Sophia loved seeing all the animals.  Her favorite animals were the monkeys and giraffes.  She actually got to feed the giraffe. 

We went to eat that night at a restaurant called The Tavern with our friends Megan and Ryan and their son Graham as well as Ryan's mom, sister and sister's boyfriend.  It was great pizza and a fun time. Then we went to MaggieMoos for a Cold Stone type ice cream.  Delish!

Joe and Ryan their their semi-matching clothes

Sunday we went to the Jordan Creek Mall for some shopping.  Sophia is quite small and we have a hard time finding jeans and pants that fit her.  I have some coupons and there were some good deals with it being the tax free weekend.  We did get a few things for both girls. We also ran into a show that was going on for Chow Gymnastics where Shawn Johnson trained. 

After a long weekend, I am happy to be home. I am sad to say that this is my last week home with my girls before school starts again.  I am not real ready to go back yet, but it is coming whether I like it or not.  Tomorrow and Thursday, both Sophia and Claire are going to the sitter for a few hours. 

Hope this finds everyone well...until next time...

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Baptism, size 1, sadness and partytime

Claire was baptized on Saturday evening.  Other than a little wiggling, she did a great job. It was truly a fantastic time with family.  Both sets of grandparents, Joe's brother and sister-in-law Hayley (godparent), Luke, as well as Matt (godparent) and his family were there.  We are truly blessed to have such a wonderful family and had a great time celebrating at the church and then afterward at The Star in Dubuque.  

She also turned one month old this past week.  I can't believe it has already been a month.  It is unbelievable and she is growing entirely too fast.  With that said, we used our last newborn diaper and have moved on to size 1's.  I am not sure how this happened, but we want her to stop growing so fast.  

We have received some sad news in the last couple weeks.  A good friend that I worked with and just retired last year has been diagnosed with stage 3 liver cancer and the prognosis is not good.  Her family and friends are praying for a miracle.  She is a strong woman and she is loved by all that know her. 

I also received the news that a long time friend of the family has passed away at age 98.  Lyda was an amazing woman that I have had the pleasure of knowing for around 25 of my 29 years.  She was like a grandparent to me as well as her husband who passed away about 2 1/2 years ago. Life has not bee the same since he died and she missed him terribly.  I have been assured that her last days were peaceful and comfortable. She will be laid to rest on Thursday and join the love of her life for eternity. She will be missed. 

Sophia will be having her 3rd birthday party on Saturday.  Again great times with great family and friends will be had.  Sophia is excited for her Tinkerbell party even though it is over a month late! 

To close...

I know it has been awhile since I have added any pictures or posted for that matter.  I will get around to it one of these days when I get some more new pictures on here of the baptism and such.  I hope I get better at posting on here, but it seems like the days just fly by and I can't seem to get my footing.  

Until next time...

Monday, June 20, 2011

2 week appointment

Claire had her two week appointment this morning (yeah...I can't believe it has been 2 weeks already.)  She is a whopping 7 pounds 6 ounces and everything checked out great.  I am enjoying my time home with her and Sophia this summer.  Our schedule looks something like this: 
Change diaper 
Sleep Eat 
Change diaper
Stay awake for a few minutes 
Sleep Eat 
Change Diaper

You get the point :) She is awake several hours a day not including feedings, but the majority of her day is eating and sleeping! Sophia is getting used to the idea of having a little one around.  She is still figuring out how to handle Claire without hurting her.  Sophia enjoys jumping up and down next to her head and pushing a little too hard on her. :) Needless to say...Momma and Daddy are watching her like a hawk!

We just got her pictures from the hospital in the mail.  Please enjoy them! :) 

Until next time...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Introducing Claire Alice... has been awhile since I wrote and it has been awhile since I actually had the baby, but I am now finally getting around to updating the blog.  Claire Alice was born after 21 hours of labor at 6:33 pm on June 2nd.  She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 and 3/4 inches long.  We had a great stay in the hospital and have settled in well at home.  

Sophia is not sure what to think about Claire.  She tries to be a good helper, but often times gets upset when it isn't all about her.  Little does she know that she will love her little sister and always have a friend in the house! Sophia has her ups and downs, but I am sure she will adjust just fine.  

So everyone is asking about the name.  Claire is just a beautiful name with no connection to family or anything.  Alice is my grandmother's name (mom's mom) and is who I was named after.  She was an amazing woman and I wish that Joe would have been able to meet her before she passed away 7 1/2 years ago. Using her name as Claire's middle name is a perfect way to remember her. 

Now that Claire has been introduced, stay posted for updates on how life is going as a family of four. Check out the pictures of our mini-Sophia :)

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's official...

It's official...I am overdue :) My due date was yesterday.  I am not exactly sure how that happened, but it did.  At 38 weeks, I was 80% effaced and 1 1/2 centimeters dilated.  Sometimes the baby feels like she is going to fall right out! I have an appointment today, so hopefully they will have some good news for me! This update is going to be short and sweet.  I will post a couple of my maternity pictures and Sophia's 3 year pictures that I got taken about 3 weeks ago.  I hope you enjoy!!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

36 weeks!

So here we are at 36 weeks! I am unsure how this has happened, but it has finally come.  We had our 36 week appointment today where we had our last ultrasound to make sure the baby is in position, head down. Sophia had a hard time seeing the baby this time since they can't get a full picture of the baby because she is so big.  Everything checked out!! I have gained a total of 14 pounds (0 these last two weeks).  Other than my back pains that I have and a bit of ankle swelling, I am doing well. 

My next appointment is next Tuesday.  They will check the baby's heartbeat and measure my belly.  The exciting part is my mom will be going with me! She went to one other appointment when I was pregnant with Sophia.  Although the appointment is short and sweet, I know she enjoyed hearing the baby's heartbeat. 

Baby Sis is starting to feel more and more like an alien inside my belly.  She doesn't "kick" anymore, rather she makes my belly bulge in ways that I never thought it could.  It feels like waves and you can see her moving under my shirt.  

Just about everything is ready for Baby Sis to arrive.  We need to get the car seat installed after this weekend and my bag needs to be fully packed as well.  I think that is what I will be doing tomorrow and Saturday.  I know I don't need much, but it will make me feel better if I have it packed! 

I have a maternity photo shoot on Sunday morning as well as Sophia's 3 year pictures...yes, I said 3 year pictures. I am not sure how this has happened.  My baby is no longer a baby and I miss that! I am super excited to see how the pictures look when they are all done! I don't have many pictures of my pregnancy with Sophia as I lost my hard drive not long after we had her and didn't have that group of pictures backed up.  I will cherish these pictures forever!  

We are trying to prepare Sophia the best we can for what is going to happen in her life.  She understands that Momma is going to have a baby but she truly doesn't understand how much this will impact her life. She went to Big Sister class on Monday.  She got to put a diaper on George (Curious George), got to see a room like the one Momma will be staying in and got to see a real baby. She watched a movie and had juice and a cookie.  She also got her picture taken with the group that will be posted on the nursery window.  She will get to see her picture up there when we have Baby Sis.  We have also been talking about what it will be like when Momma is in the hospital.  She is aware that I will have to stay in the hospital for a couple days and that she will be staying with Grandpa and Grandma Maas.  Sophia will be able to come and visit whenever she wants and will also spend extra special time with both Momma and Daddy while we are in the hospital.  She has her Big Sister shirt ready!    

Well, it is way past my bed time (it's 9:30).  What can I say...I need my sleep! :) I am looking forward to updating you all very soon! Until then...

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bathtub and big belly... I am 33 weeks and 4 days a long.  My belly is getting bigger by the minute and our house is rapidly changing.  

The house changes have been a fun adventure for us.  We have enjoyed our larger bathroom in this house, but the bathtub was lacking.  Sitting in it allowed it to be filled about an inch before getting in before it would overflow (a bit of an exaggeration, but it was not very deep).  Having a great jet tub in the last house we lived in spoiled me and I started missing it, especially now that I am getting farther along in my pregnancy. 

This is how it all started...
We NEEDED to get a new roof, gutters and siding.  So late last fall we contacted some contractors to get the process started.  We got some bids and picked a contractor.  The roof was done the next week, but everything else was stalled due to the impending winter.  As late winter came around and we were waiting patiently for it to be nice enough for the outside to be finished, Joe and I decided to discuss redoing the bathroom with some of the leftover loan that we would have from the outside renovations. In early March we finally decided to bite the bullet and went to our contractor and asked if he would be willing to do this for us.  He obliged and we went to Menards on a shopping spree that only cost us $350ish for tile, tub and surrounding.  Thanks to our parents the Hegland Christmas was filled with Menards gift cards and were able buy the materials for a steal.  The contractor started a couple weeks later.  We lived in disarray for a week and half with out bathroom ripped up.  It was totally worth it! The tub is fantastic and even keeps the water heated! Just what I need in my last 6 weeks of my pregnancy. 

The bathroom when we first moved in.

After adding a new sink and painting. 

After demolition and new tub was sitting there.

 Final product. 

 My beautiful new tub!!

Oh yeah...the pregnancy. Like I said, my belly is getting bigger by the minute.  Our baby girl is moving around a lot now and Joe and I are able to watch her do acrobats.  He claims she looks like an alien moving around in my belly and at times I agree that it feels that way.  We are getting very excited for her and preparing Sophia as much as we can for what is coming in her life! On May 2nd, she will be going to a sibling class to help her know what to expect.  Sophia is very excited to be a big sister and can't wait to help change her diapers and feed Baby Sis. 

                                                                    33 weeks 4 days

Our next big house project will be finishing the outside renovations. Within the next two weeks the contractor will be working on the siding, gutters and 4 new windows! We are very excited for all the changes in our lives. Stay tuned to what is next... 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Our new venture! we are.  Almost 6 years after being married and almost 3 years after having our first little girl, Sophia, we are expecting our 2nd little girl at the end of May.  Memorial Day to be exact (hopefully a few days before :) ) Time has flown in the Hegland home.  We have had an unbelievable journey thus far and can't want to see what is in store for us! Here is a look into our lives, sometimes exciting, sometimes not so exciting.  Either way enjoy!